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Millis/Medway - Local Town Pages

Medway Senior Center February Programs

Warm Apple Cider Bar. Feb. 11 at 10 a.m. Our Hot Coco bar was such a hit, we are doing it again. Join us for cider with delicious toppings, and great company. Event is free but please sign up at the Center 508-533-3210. 
Winter Reminders. Winter is coming and the weather can be unpredictable. Please be aware that if the Medway schools are closed, the Center is closed, and the vans will not be operating. Also, during the winter months the Center serves as a warming facility. If you are without heat and are in need of this service, please contact the Center.
Indoor Walking Group. While the weather outside is frightful, gather with us in the gym on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for some gentle walking exercise.
Volunteers Needed. Got a talent to share? The Medway Senior Center is seeking enthusiastic volunteers to lead exciting programs and classes! Whether it’s art, music, discussion group, or a unique skill, we’d love to hear from you! Please call the Center at 508-533-3210

Weekly Exercise Classes
9:30 AM Dance Cardio $5
11 AM Strength Exercise $4
9:30 AM Walking Group Free!
10 AM Wii Bowling Free! 
11 AM Line Dancing $4
12:30 PM Strength & Power $5
9:30 AM Yoga $3 
11:30 AM Sword Tai Chi $10
1 PM Chair Exercise $3
11 AM Zumba Exercise $5
12:20 PM Chair Exercise $3
Outreach Department. Did you know that the Senior Center has two part-time Outreach workers? The Outreach Department can meet with seniors, families, or any individual. We can explain community programs and benefits, assist with applications for designated programs, aid in the search for services, and act as an advocate to support individuals in need. Examples of what the department can help with include but are not limited to: SNAP (food stamps) applications, Fuel assistance applications, Referrals for Home Care Services, Internet Discount, Mass Health applications, and more. If you need assistance, call the Center and ask for Sue O’Connor or Cathy Carvalho.
Movie Thursdays. Join us on the following Thursdays for a movie and some popcorn! Show time is at 1:00 PM, after lunch.
Feb. 6, Notting Hill. A chance encounter brings together reserved bookstore owner William Thacker and Hollywood icon Anna Scott, who forge an improbable romance.
Feb. 20, The Six Triple Eight. During World War II, 855 women joined the fight to fix the three-year backlog of undelivered mail. Faced with discrimination and a country devastated by war, they managed to sort more than 17 million pieces of mail ahead of time.