Medway High School students lead “Project Sticker Shock” campaign to curb underage drinking
Above: Medway High School students with ‘SUP Medway staff implementing Project Sticker Shock at Keystone Liquors, placing 600 eye-catching stickers on alcoholic beverage products. From left, students Ethan Bacchas, Sam Oldmixon, Victoria Gonzalez, and staff Stephanie Simeon and Gabby Giannelli. Not pictured are student participants Joyce Zheng and Julia Mansour. (Photo Courtesy ‘SUP Medway Coalition) Below: Example of a sticker used by Medway High School students during Project Sticker Shock. (Photo Courtesy Medway Public Schools)
Initiative designed to discourage adults from giving minors access to alcohol
In a move to prevent underage drinking during prom and graduation season, students from Medway High School, as part of the ‘SUP Medway coalition, recently launched Project Sticker Shock, a community-focused prevention initiative. This effort is designed to discourage adults from giving minors access to alcohol.
In partnership with local liquor stores, including West Medway Liquors, One-Stop Convenience, and Keystone Liquors, the students placed 600 eye-catching stickers on alcoholic product cases.
The stickers feature messages such as “Do not buy alcohol for minors,” “Protect our teens,” “Don’t Fuel Underage Drinking,” and “It’s illegal and dangerous.” These messages align with ‘SUP Medway’s Building Bright Brains campaign, which emphasizes the impact of alcohol on teen brain development.
“By directly engaging with the community and local businesses, these remarkable young people are taking a stand against underage drinking,” said Stephanie Simeon, Coalition Coordinator for ‘SUP Medway. “The minimum age of 21 is set to protect our young people whose brains are still developing up to the age of 25. This initiative supports our mission to work collaboratively to promote healthy choices among our youth.”