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Millis/Medway - Local Town Pages

Millis town election on May 13 includes votes on override and town offices

Millis’ annual town election will take place on Monday, May 13, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial Building located at 900 Main Street. 

The election warrant can be found at 

Voters will be asked to approve a proposed $1.4 million override that would provide additional funding to:

School Department, $1,070,767

Police Department wages, $180,000

Fire Department wages, $95,118

Department of Public Works wages, $54,115 

Details regarding the override can be found on the annual town meeting warrant at 

Voters will also elect people to the following offices: 

Moderator (1 year) 

Select Board (3 yrs) 

School Committee, 2 seats (3 yrs) 

Board of Health (3 yrs) 

Library Trustee (3 yrs) 

Planning Board (5 yrs)

Planning Board (3 yrs)

Housing Authority (5 yrs)
