Comedy show raises over $45,000 for Millis student battling cancer

Aeden Wetherbee, with his mother Dawn, celebrating his return home on March 10. Source:
Sophomore Aedan Wetherbee has rare form of brain cancer
By Kaitlyn Richards
Student writer
Aedan Wetherbee, currently a sophomore at Millis High School, is battling a rare form of brain cancer. He has undergone countless rounds of chemotherapy treatment and has recently obtained a bone marrow transplant. After the transplant is complete, Aedan will be isolated from the outside world for at least nine months to ensure he remains healthy.
When hearing about his story, members of the Millis community were moved to help him and his family. They planned a charity comedy show which took place on March 1 where all proceeds would be donated to Aedan’s medical bills.
Beth Morrill, a special education teacher at Millis High School, was one of the three faculty members, along with Shannon Graham and Michelle Panciocco, who helped plan the event. “I met Aedan last year in a class and he later joined the Active Minds Club and started coming to the Homework Club,” said Morrill. “When he was first diagnosed, it was such a shock and I wanted to do whatever I could to help the family. Aedan is an only child and his parents are both disabled veterans. I was in touch with Aedan’s mom and she asked me if she could put me in touch with his Aunt Julie Horrigan, who then brought the idea of the comedy show to us.”
The show was organized through “Funny 4 Funds”, an organization dedicated to using comedy to raise money for good causes. The show was 90 minutes long and featured three comedians: Billy Simas, Aimee Shwab, and Phillip Anthony, who delivered impressive performances which kept the audience laughing for the entire show.
“It was a great way to raise money and it was a fun show. The comedians were very funny, and kept the show going at a good pace,” said Morrill.
Additionally, the event would not have been possible without the numerous student volunteers.
“It was incredible! We had over 20 student volunteers between the day of the show and previous activities,” said Morrill. “Students were really helpful in getting the word out about the comedy show, handing out flyers and getting them hung in local businesses, as well as collecting donations outside Roche Brothers and Rocky’s on Saturdays in February.”
At the end of the show, Aedan’s mother, Dawn Wetherbee, was given the check for all the money that was raised for her son.
“The people of the greater Millis community came out and showed massive passion, love, and energy for Aedan,” said comedian Billy Simas, before presenting Dawn with a check for $45,222.
The auditorium quickly filled with an outpour of joyous applause and chants all for Aedan after the check was presented. The comedy show was a huge success and proved how a small town can powerfully rally together for one of its own.