Scouting is alive and well in the town of Medway!
Scouting is critical to keeping our boys active and in the outdoors. Our Medway BSA Troops continue to provide our youth with opportunities to learn leadership, provide service and have fun. In 2022:
7 Scouts from our Medway Troops achieved their Eagle Rank in 2022
Our units this past year have contributed over 1,000 volunteer hours to Medway
Collected over 1 ton of food for our food pantries in Medway
This summer we had 7 Scouts experience the trip of a lifetime to the BSA Philmont Ranch, spending 10 days on a wilderness backpacking trek that presented them with multiple challenges while exposing them to vistas and experiences that cannot be duplicated elsewhere.
However, now more than ever, the youth in Medway need Scouting as a way to continue their journey to a lifetime of adventure. In order to keep these activities affordable, each unit’s committee underwrites a portion of the cost. Whether it involves new uniforms and equipment, monthly camping trips, financial support for a boy to attend summer camp, or by helping support a boy’s once in a lifetime trip to High Adventure camp or National Jamboree -- we rely on the community to assist us in providing a quality program for Medway’s youth. We need your support this year to keep us going and growing.
Our annual fundraiser is the “Santa Breakfast” that brings together the Scouts in Medway to serve an amazing breakfast, complete with photos with Santa, games & crafts in Santa›s Village, as well as a Silent Auction full of wonderful items from local businesses. Truly something for everyone! This year our event will be held on Saturday, December 10th from 7:30 - 11:00 AM at the St. Joseph›s Parish Center, 145 Holliston Street in Medway. Thank you for supporting Scouting in Medway!